Texas This I Know...

Texas This I Know...
Texas Farm to Market Road

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Proving a Negative, Tom Delay's Task, Set by the Left

The following conversation took place on a discussion board. I have edited it for consistency and changed one name to protect the stupid. It began as my response to a Tom Delay story. But developed into what I think is the core fallacy of the argument against Delay: The demand that he present positive proof of his innocence. In other words that he prove a negative.

Gowain....More BS from the Left. Look at the people the story is based on. A turncoat conservative, a Left leaning Republican, another Republican who has been quoted out of context, and un-named sources. Mustn't forget those un-named sources. A lot of noise, not a shred of proof.

LeftiePoster....Where is your proof that the story is wrong????? I am waiting for you to prove it wrong.

Gowain....The proof, or rather the lack of proof, is in the story. No specifics, un-named sources. Etc.

LeftiePoster.....Still no proof offered by you. I am waiting for you to prove DeLay innocent. Give me proof.

Gowain....The proof of innocence is that no one has offered up proof of guilt.

LeftiePoster.....You still haven't offered any proof on this issue. I am still waiting.

Gowain....You are ignoring the proof.

If I alleged that you are a child molester. How would you go about proving your innocence? You have had contact with children, haven't you? How are we to know that you did not molest one of them when no one was looking?

The only thing you could do is point out that there is no proof of your guilt, that no child has ever accused you of molesting him, and that you have never been charged or convicted of pedophilia.

If I refused to accept this and demanded that you provide some positive proof of your innocence, what could you do? NOTHING!

It is called proving a negative and cannot be done.

LeftiePoster.....I am still waiting

Gowain....Again, if I alleged that you are a child molester. How would you go about proving your innocence?

The only thing you could do is point out that there is no proof of your guilt, that no child has ever accused you of molesting him, and that you have never been charged or convicted of pedophilia.

If I refused to accept this and demanded that you provide some positive proof of your innocence, what could you do? NOTHING!

LeftiePoster.....I am still waiting for you to post your proof.

Gowain....Prove you are not a child molester.

LeftiePoster.....Your gall is only surpassed by your stupidity.

Gowain....Still no positive response to my Child Molester allegation huh? Come on, LP, as an exercise in evidence, come up with proof that you are not a pedophile.

LeftiePoster will never be able to prove that he is not a child molester, just as Tom Delay will never be able to prove he did nothing wrong. Not as long as both are faced with the insurmountable task of positively proving something when the only evidence they can point to is the lack, no the non-existence, of evidence proving they committed a crime. This is why the burden of proof always falls on the accuser.

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