Texas This I Know...

Texas This I Know...
Texas Farm to Market Road

Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Scam What Am #1: Penis Enlargement Pills

All guys want a bigger penis, unless they've already got one big enough to use for batting practice, or they belong to that group of folks to which sex and it's attendant mechanical functions are still taboo. By and large though, it would be safe to say that men in America, especially young men, would spend any amount of money to have a bigger schlong.

Enter the penis enlargement pill vendors. The people who make and sell penis enlargement pills follow the venerable tradition of snake oil salesmen from time immemorial. In this tradition the seller specializes in offering the public what they want but, because of the physical laws governing the universe, they cannot have. The prospect of having the un-attainable will cause people to part with large amounts of hard earned money if they are convinced it is genuine, or to part with smaller amounts of money if they think it might be genuine.

The sales pitch is of vintage construction. Start with documented facts, or facts that are well known, stir in a little speculative fiction, top off with a big dose of hope and you have the perfect spiel. It'll rake in the suckers and even pull down some who should know better.

This is a typical explanation, found a website, of how the pills work. It is contained within a larger sales pitch.

"The penis is made up of 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top, which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and one smaller chamber on the bottom from which you urinate and ejaculate (Corpus Spongisum).When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa).Corpora The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved.

You can have a BIGGER PENIS! Big XXX pills will increase the capacity limit of the Corpora Cavernosa thus allowing more blood to enter the cavern creating a longer and thicker erection. Big XXX stimulates cell growth within the corpora cavernosa itself. An increase in cells allows for more blood to enter the penis making the penis larger and the erection more intense. The corpora cavernosa are the two bodies of erectile tissue on each side of the penis. Big XXX is 100% natural with no known side effects. All growth is permanent."

The first paragraph is documented fact. Every word is true. In the second paragraph the speculative fiction and hope are mixed with a repetition of facts from the first paragraph, with standard boilerplate sentences thrown in for good measure.

Let's examine the last paragraph sentence by sentence.

"You can have a BIGGER PENIS!"
This is the hope exciter. This is the promise of the unattainable. This is one the most important sentences in the entire pitch.

"Big XXX pills will increase the capacity limit of the Corpora Cavernosa thus allowing more blood to enter the cavern creating a longer and thicker erection."
This couples the documented fact with speculative fiction. In this as well as other sentences, the medical terminology gives it gravitas.

"Big XXX stimulates cell growth within the corpora cavernosa itself. An increase in cells allows for more blood to enter the penis making the penis larger and the erection more intense."
This is pure speculative fiction. Notice it does not go into the mechanics of how the pill ingredients identify and home in on only the tissues of the penis and not the tissues of the big toe.

"The corpora cavernosa are the two bodies of erectile tissue on each side of the penis."
Another restatement of fact to re-enforce the other statements.

"Big XXX is 100% natural with no known side effects."
All good products are 100% natural. This is what is called boilerplate.

"All growth is permanent."
And the the clincher. Another boilerplate. The mark is assured that it won't go back to what it was before.

Any medical doctor will state unequivocally that pills WILL NOT lead to a larger penis. Then why do guys continue to spend money on this scam?

Because....because we so desperately want it TO BE TRUE!!

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